AutoCAD Thumbnail Previewer: See It Before You Click It
The Folder Problem:
Anyone who has ever used the robust features of AutoCAD knows that is can be time-consuming searching through folders of documents to find the right file. Clicking on documents on a desktop is challenging even for the most organized people. Mobile devices increase the pain point because the screen is smaller, load times can be longer, and less can be presented in the allotted space.
Clicking on an AutoCAD means waiting seconds to minutes for the file to completely render to see if you have the right file. It can be frustrating to continually click on files that all look the same and - sometimes - have the same naming system until you locate the right one.
The reality is that folders are designed for storage and organization - not searching and delivering quick results. Without the ability to preview AutoCAD files, the search for the correct .dwg might drag on forever.
The PocketBuildings Solution:
The PocketBuildings AutoCAD thumbnail previewer allows you to quickly find the .dwg you need before clicking to open the document. Instead of hunting and pecking your way through several files with the same icon, you can simply mouse over the thumbnail to see a preview of the file. When you click on our files uploaded to PocketBuildings, you know you have the file without wasting time or effort because you are able to see it before you click it.
Ready to Try PocketBuildings?
Find out how easy it is to preview your AutoCAD files with PocketBuildings. Claim a free building and upload your .dwg files.
Learn more about ways to open, convert to PDF, measure, and share an AutoCAD with PocketBuildings.